Senin, 19 November 2007

Cloverfield Unveiled

The title of the J.J. Abrams' mystery project most commonly known as "Cloverfield" has finally been revealed, and it's ... Cloverfield. Yes, that's right; the original codename that was attached to the "big monster destroys New York City" pic back when its teasing teaser trailer debuted this summer is the actual title (although what "Cloverfield" has to do with a "big monster destroying New York City" remains to be seen). In a way, it does make sense after all, since everyone is calling it that already anyway, but still, I gotta say it: see that collective chain of ours? I think Abrams has been yankin' it for months now.

Anyway, in addition to that bit of underwhelming news, a new trailer for the spooky thriller has been playing with Beowulf this weekend, and now that all the fanboys have shelled out their allowance to see it, it is now online. A smidgen more of the plot is apparent now (no big surprise: the military is called in to blow stuff up), as well as what may prove to be a big audience turn off if it is as prevalent in the final film as it is in the trailer. I'm talking about a herky-jerky, "you are there" camera style that brings up nausea-inducing memories of The Blair Witch Project. That aside, you do catch a glimpse (OK, a shadow) of a gnarly beastie noshing on a poor extra, which has lead some to surmise that there is more then one monster in this monster movie.

In closing, I'm not sure if this is the real deal or not, so take it for what its worth: possible spoiler footage of the big bad itself. You decide.

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