Selasa, 05 Agustus 2008

Shoot 'Em Up

Writer/Dir: Michael Davis (Monster Man)
Cast: Clive Owen, Paul Giamatti, Monica Bellucci
USA, 2007

Seen: August 2, 2008 thanks to the Toronto Public Library

Reason to see: It was available, the reviews I read were better than expected and I think Clive Owen is a great actor

This is a Non-Review, as I turned the film off 15 minutes in.

It's been a while since I've done a non-review! I will admit I wasn't expecting much from this film but after hearing a few people get excited about it I thought I would give it a try considering it was available from a free and legit resource.

Right from the first few moments I could tell this film would likely be turned off. The characters were ruthless in action and in speech. Lots of chasing, running and shooting - which you would expect considering the title. But, after the third derogatory comment/action to a woman character in the film I decided enough was enough and turned it off.

Warnings: Violence

Shannon's Overall View:
I did not enjoy it
I'd not watch it again
I'd not recommend it but it's clearly an action film with an exploitation like feel to it so if that's your bag...

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© Shannon Ridler, 2008

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