The genesis of The QuOD sprang from necessity. In creating the Out in Film posts and maintaining the "Pink is the New Out" feature here at Movie Dearest, I discovered a distinct lack in a reliable, up-to-date single internet source listing famous gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals. So, just as I created Movie Dearest when I found no quality movie sites catering to gay and gay friendly movie fans, I decided to create a reliable, up-to-date single internet source listing famous gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals ... and thus, The Queer Online Database (a.k.a. The QuOD for short) was born.
Who will be featured in this "A to Z" of GLBT? Everyone from actors and athletes to authors and activists, from the Broadway stage to the world stage, from recording artists to fine artists, even reality TV personalities and porn stars. The main criterion is that these people of note are "officially out"; we won't be doing any outing at The QuOD.
My hope is that The QuOD (which will provide links to each entry's official website, Wikipedia and Internet Movie Database pages, et cetera) will provide a useful resource for those studying GLBT history, or for those who just want to know who is "on our team". To kick things off, the first 40 posts will focus on those named to The Advocate's list of "Gay Heroes", as revealed last year in the magazine's 40th anniversary issue.
And that's just the beginning, as The QuOD is just getting started! See you there.
(By the by, to make this event even more special, this post marks the 200,000th post here at Movie Dearest -- a mere seven months or so since we hit the big 100,000. Time sure flies when you're having fun!)
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