Kamis, 12 November 2009

MD News Desk: Now Tweeting

For the past few months, the MD News Desk has been bringing you all the latest scoop on what's happening in the entertainment world a couple times of week. Well, in order to bring you the news as soon as it happens (or at least as soon as we hear about it), as of today the News Desk is moving ... to the Official Movie Dearest Twitter page!

There you'll find all the same stories and links as the MD News Desk usually provides (conveniently organized by MD department, from Cinematic Crushes to Women We Love, Out in Film to Videodrone), but in a more timely and efficient manner.

There are several ways to keep up-to-date on all of our informative "tweets". If you have your own account on Twitter, all you have to do is follow us, or you can also receive updates automatically by friending us on the Official Movie Dearest MySpace page. Or you can simply refer to the MD News Desk on Twitter widget located in the upper left hand sidebar of each page right here on Movie Dearest.

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