Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

2009 Closure - Finishing off 9 in 2009

I'm so ready to be done with 2009! I know it's only Jan 5, 2010 but I'm ready to wrap that sucker up with a bow and file it away. I thought looking back at my 9 in 2009 Goals would be a great way to get some closure!

At the beginning of 2009 I came up with 9 film goals for the year, playing along with DVD Panache's fantastic idea. I met 7 of the 9 goals, and the 2 I didn't met (go to a festival outside Toronto & see either microcinema or go to the drive in) I totally plan on doing in 2010 and some of the goals I will continue to work on (101 films to see list) and reprise (see all borrowed or bought unseen films). I'm not sure I'll commit them to a list like I did in 2009 but I'll be sure to share the results.

Speaking of results, just doing the challenge led to some very interesting insights. I think my favourite out of all of the items was #6. Buy a new TV. I *love* my new 40" TV. I don't know how I lived with my wee lil 13"er for so long - it served me well, I still have it and use it but dangnabit it's pale in comparison to my new one. Although I still gotta work on the audio - I sometimes get a little feedback/staticy sounds when I turn it up really loud, but other that that it's totally the cat's pyjamas.

I'm loving co-hosting the Before the Dawn: A Twilight Podcast and it was great to be a guest several times over at gmanReviews Unnamed Movie Podcast. There is more podcasting goodness in the future, have a few guests spots and will be launching my very cast own soon.

General viewing/watching goals were very interesting, I like my new 101 films to see list and some of the titles are a little harder to come by as it's delving further into the world of horror, genre and foreign films. I'm already over 40% done and have almost 2 years to complete this lists so it's smooth sailing there.

Goal #4 was to see more 2009 releases in 2009 than 2008 films in 2008 which I did... kinda... this is where some of the parameters get a bit mucky. In saw 92/341 of 2008 films and by the end of 2009 I saw 104 Films from 2009 - but several of those I saw before 2009 in years past through festivals and such. So, I consider that complete but it doesn't technically meet the definition. I'm glad that I did end up review more 2009 release in 2009 (67 for 2009), I still wish I had gotten a few more December films reviewed, but there was like... turkey to eat and stuff like that.

Along the same lines #8 was to take a picture of the poster for all 2009 releases I see & create a slideshow of the images which I did (see video here), this one I fit the video to the parameters of the challenge, but then realized it didn't meet the intention of the challenge which was to snap an image of all films seen - either theatrically or just every single one. Theatrically didn't work for 2009 because I saw some through means other than theatrically (festivals, DVD, etc) and some I saw outside of 2009. Gets freaking murky! Also, at festivals or special screeenings something there isn't anything to take a picture of! I want to reprise this one with a different definition for 2010.

The most insightful one was #9 List, watch and return all unseen film I've borrowed or own. I waded through a lot of these in Dec 09 to get this done but along the way I accumulated more films I've yet to see! The big insight here is - I'm not going to buy or borrow films that I'm not interested it, specifically romantic comedies - they really don't interest me and unless I get a reputable recommendation I'm likely going to sideline them.

So there you have it! 9 in 2009 is now complete! YAY! Bring on 2010!

9 in 2009 Goals (see original post here)

1. Attend a film festival outside of Toronto - not this year!
2. Create a new 101 films to see list (see past list here)
3. Create a or be on a podcast Done & Done: Guest on Gmanreviews Unnamed Movie Podcast + Co-host of Before the Dawn: A Twilight Podcast
4. See more 2009 releases in 2009 than 2008 films in 2008 (2008 was: 92/341) - Done! 104 Films from 2009 seen
5. Review more 2009 release in 2009 than 2008 films in 2008 (2008 was: 38) Done: 67 reviews of theatrical releases
6. Buy a new TV
7. Go to a microcinema and / or drive in - no luck here
8. Take a picture of the poster for all 2009 releases I see & create a slideshow of the images: in process - done! See video here
9. List, watch and return all unseen film I've borrowed or own: List made! & Done
Bonus: Have a fabulous opening night outfit - done!

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