Director: Richardo Trogi (Horloge Biologique)
Cast: Patrice Robitaille, Jean-Phillipe Pearson, Isabelle Blais, Julie LeBreton
Canada, 2002
Seen: April 2006 via Rogers Direct
Reason to see: Its on my List of 101 Films I Can't Believe I Haven't Seen for being Canadian, and I wanted a film starting with the letter Q, and it got kudos on festival circuit.
I do tend to enjoy films in French just because I like hearing French so, there was that. Not pleased with the women characters being stereotypical and objectified - literally. Most 'bit' parts were off screen and/or your only reference to the woman was a body part as she spoke be it mouth, feet or butt. Also relationship/sexual stereotypes. The flirt, the unhappy goal driven girlfriend, the 'loose' girl. Albeit, the guys were stereotyped too. The 'just sex' guy, the 'relationship' guy and the guy who always ends up back in the same relationship over and over.
I was left with not being sure what they were trying to say. Could be slice of life film. Maybe it was a guy point of view relationship movie, if so it makes me realize the reverse of a guy watching a chick flick, cuz this movie - I just didn't get it.
Favorite Quote: "I warn you, I'm stopping for ice cream"
Shannon's Overall View:
I'm not convinced that I liked it, although there were some interesting moments
I most likely wouldn't watch it again
I'm not sure who I would recommend it to
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© Shannon Ridler, 2006
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