Sabtu, 10 November 2007

Memo from Movie Dearest: New Look for Polls and More

Change is always good, especially when it makes everything look all clean and pretty. As you can see in the sidebar, the MD Poll has received an extreme makeover. Gone are the hard-to-read results and the (hopefully) not-able-to-vote problems that was the Blogger poll.

In its place is a spiffy new polling widget, courtesy of Vizu. This not only makes the poll more visually dynamic, it also allows visitors to the Vizu site the opportunity to vote on the poll from there as well. The more the merrier, I say, plus it may draw in new readers to Movie Dearest, always a good thing. And if you too are one that likes his or her voice to be heard, take a look over there at all the member polls and start votin' to your hearts content.

Not a good thing is that I didn't discover this new toy until after I posted the original poll for this week's question, "What is your favorite gay rom com?". Ten votes were placed before I made the switch, so if you were one of those to participate before the new look was installed, you can go ahead and vote again, no harm no foul. And if your favorite movie isn't among the ten listed, simply click on the link below the widget and record your "write-in" vote in the comments section of the original post.

You may also notice some other enhancements made to the sidebar and the footer (home of our sponsors), including a special "Countdown to Enchanted" clock and a new BlogRush widget to bring you all the latest news from around the blogosphere, plus a little eye candy for you courtesy of Hunk du Jour. And I probably lost you on that last one, so go ahead and take a look, but don't forget to vote first!

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