Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008

Movie Dearest MySpace Friend of the Week: Rocketboy

Since launching our own MySpace page several months ago, Movie Dearest has had the pleasure of "meeting" many new friends -- almost 2,000 to date. Ranging from MD readers and fan-hosted "star pages" to fictional characters and movie/TV/theater fansites to actual celebrities and (go figure) porn stars, we have, to say the least, a very diverse set of acquaintances over at our second online home.

So to spotlight some of our "best" friends, we are introducing today a new weekly feature right here at MD (and "simulcast" on our MySpace blog): the MySpace Friend of the Week. (Our first idea was "Friend of the Month", but with 1,941 pals and counting, we'd never get through 'em all.) The purpose of this is, like the song goes, to "thank you for being a friend", and also to introduce these fine folks to possible new friends who like what they see. We sure do.

The criterion for being named FOTW is simple: standing out from the crowd. This may be through creativity in design and content of their pages, a certain level of humor about the whole "MySpace thing" (which, let's face it, is kind of silly when you get right down to it) and a true sense of friendship by way of comments and interactivity. That or they have a real hot picture.

Our first FOTW is Rocketboy, and he has all those qualities ... and a killer set of abs to boot (check out his peek-a-boo costume). Out of all the hotties that we discovered through our coverage of Comic-Con, he is definitely the hottiest. But he's more then just a pretty face and a rockin' bod, he's a superhero. Star of his own eponymous comic book (set to debut this October), Robby fights the Forces of Evil in his hometown of San Francisco. His rogues gallery includes his own mommie dearest, would-be Ruler of the Universe Queen Cherry, and the enigmatic GoGoBot (whose weapons include laser nipples and a hypnotic hip thrust). Of his many heroic deeds, likely his bravest was when he saved Christina Crawford from a runaway shopping cart. And that, my friend, truly makes you super in our book.

You can learn more about the adventures of Rocketboy (and his creators, Scotty Mullen and Michael Troy) at his official website, RocketboyWorld.com, and can befriend him right here at his MySpace page. While you're over there, stop by the official MD page and check out the latest weekly recap; in addition to the top ten stories of the past seven days, you can view exclusive MySpace-only pictures, such as more Comic-Con hunks and the Mamma Mia! boys gone wild.

And don't forget to become a friend of MD yourself, if you're not already. Who knows? You may find yourself the next Movie Dearest Friend of the Week!

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