Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Movie Moxie on the Unnamed Movie Podcast

If you missed it live you can now listen online or download from iTunes The Unnamed Movie Podcast Episode 10. You can listen to Andrew, Douglas and Damion of gmanReviews and I have an in depth discussion horror and whether or not it sucks, film related news, trailers talk and review John Carpenters The Thing.

Want to see the trailers for films discussed? Here are the links: Public Enemies, Pandorum (review) and The Hangover.

For the spoiler sensitive we do discuss the horror films in detail, although if you are a fan you've will have seen all or most of them. Also spoilers for Public Enemies at 1h40 - 1h44 minutes, but as it's historical film you may already be aware of the content.


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