Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Poll Results: How Many Unseen DVD/Blu-Rays do you have Kicking Around?

It looks like I'm not the only one who has some unseen DVDs kicking around the house. The most popular answer was yes, with 2-5 unseen DVDs kicking around which 37% of voters do. The 12% range is a three way tie with None, 6 to 10 and 50 to 100. Wow. I though I had a lot at 20, but I'm in the minority with other 6%ers who answered they had 1, or 11 to 15, or 16 to 15, or 26 to 50.

I guess the 85% of us that do have DVDs/Blu-Rays to watch, we better get to it!

37% 2 to 5

TIE at 12%:
12% None
12% 6 to 10
12% 50 to 100

TIE at 6%:
6% 1
6% 11 to 15
6% 16 to 25
6% 26 to 50

0% 100+

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