Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Predators & The Expendables Posters


Okay, so neither of these 2 upcoming action movies made My Most Anticipated 2010 Releases - Part 2, but I'm still certainly looking forward to them. I think my expectation of action films has gone down in the past year. I still go to them, and I want to love them, but I'm prepared to be disappointed. Sad, but true. But allows the possibility of happy surprizes so that is something!

First up - Predators!
I'm assuming this is like, Predator 3 and ignoring the two Alien vs. Predators films. I hope so. Theres been a lot of online buzz for this new rendition of predator vs prey, but I've not seen a lot about the film out and about. I snagged the above mini poster from a theatre, but I've never seen a poster at a theatre and only seen the trailer a few times. But canon & casting have me interested enough to get me to see it. Seriously - Adrien Brody in a Predators film? You couldn't keep me away. Predators is directed by Nimród Antal (Armored) and stars Adrien Brody, Alice Braga, Topher Grace, Laurence Fishburne, Danny Trejo, Walter Goggins, Louise Ozawa Changchien and Oleg Taktarov. It hits theatres tomorrow Friday July 9, 2010.

The Expendables
I love this (below) poster for The Expendables and what I've loved about the buzz behind this film from the beginning is that it makes no quams that it's all about the cast. That is what we want to know about the film, and that is why we will go - just put it out there and we'll be there. Transparency at it's best. Sylvester Stallone directs, writes and stars in this resurging the big action film set in South America and following a group of mercenaries . Cast of all star action gurus including Sly himself, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Bruce Willis along with Mickey Rourke, Steve Austin, Randy Couture and Terry Crews.
The original release dates have jumped around about from different dates in April and August 2010 and The Expendables is currently slated for an August 13, 2010 release.

See list of more upcoming film titles here.


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