Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Poll Results: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Comes Out This Week. When Are You Seeing It?

You have voted and the results are in. A whopping 65% voted that they are not planning on seeing The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Wow. I'm a little surprized at that, not as many Twi-fans here as I'd thought. Of the remaining 35% who are planning on seeing it, it's a Tie for 2nd place of seeing it at the Midnight Screening along with After the Crowd Dies Down, and then 8% saw it on Opening Day. Interesting that 0% planned on seeing it opening weekend, I've very curious to see how it did at the box office after a really strong midnight take. We will know soon enough.

65% - Not Planning on Seeing It
13% - Tie: Midnight Screening & After the Crowd Dies Down
8% - Opening Day
0% - Opening Weekend

Thanks for voting!

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