Selasa, 16 November 2010

Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival Awards 2010


Ballots have been tallied and juries have had their say - time so see the results of the 2010 Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival Awards.

2010 Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival Award Winners

Reel Asian Audience Award
Winner: Naoko Ogigami for Toilet

NFB Best Canadian Film or Video Award
Winner: One Big Hapa Family (dir: Jeff Chiba Stearns)

WIFT-T Award
Winner: Seeing Through the Spider's Web (Dir: Jane Kim)

Astral's Harold Greenberg Fund Best Feature Film of Video Award
Winner: Dear Doctor (Dir: Miwa Nishikawa)

TSV Visionary Video Award
Winner: Redress Remix (Dir: Lesley Loksi Chan)

Animasian Award
Winner: Nature on its Course (Dir: Su-An Ng)

LIFT and Fuji Best Film Award
Winner: The Auction (Dir: Gloria Kim)

Movieola Best Short Film or Video Award
Winner: Junko's Shamisen (Dir: Sol Friedman)

So You Think You Can Pitch? Emerging Artist Award
Winner: Sugar Bowl. Shahrzad Nakhai (Producer/Director), Rich Williamson (Director of Photography)

So You Think You Can Pitch? Professional Artist Award
Winner: Searching for Wonder. Tricia Lee (Director), Ryan Reaney (Producer)

The Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival 2010 ran from November 9 - 15, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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