Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Guest Podcasting: Saturday B Movie Reel #8 - Sharktopus

Sharktopus Image - Courtesy of Anchor Bay Entertainment

I recently had the pleasure of guesting on the Saturday B Movie Reel Podcast over at Tuning into SciFi TV to chat up a storm about the SyFy original film Sharktopus with host Kevin Bachelder. I have to say, we had a heck of a good time chatting about all the craziness of the film and of course rating it on the awesome B Movie Reel scale which includes categories from cheese factor to death scenes, and well... even acting!

It's a spoiler-filled discussion, so if you haven't already seen Sharktopus (what are you waiting for??? You should see it!), I do recommend watching it first and then listening in as we giggles and cheers over the B Movie awesomeness.

See Also: Sharktopus DVD review

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