Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Poll Results: What August Release Are You Most Looking Forward To?

You have voted and the results are in! Not a sweep this month but a steady lead for Eat, Pray, Love at 33% (I'm so close to finishing the book and now am really looking forward to the film!). In second place is Scott Pilgrim vs. The World with 22% and in third the Australian crime film Animal Kingdom with 16%. Next up we have a tie at 11% with The Expendables & Piranha 3D and then the phenomenal The Disappearance of Alice Creed at 5%. August is shaping up to look like quite the exciting month!

33% - Eat, Pray, Love
22% - Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
16% - Animal Kingdom
11% - Tie: The Expendables & Piranha 3D
5% - The Disappearance of Alice Creed

Thanks for voting!

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